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"Travel Notebooks: Taranto, Italy" (2014)

VIDEO: 1920x1080 HD - 00:02:22  - Written, directed and animated by Silvia De Gennaro - distribution: VisualContainer –




Even with her make-up running and torn clothes, you can see that Taranto is a beautiful woman.

Wobbling exhausted on the high heels of her rich history, she tries to resist the rape of poison and neglect. It is the city of the two seas and the sun, it is poetry suffocating under the rivers of steel.


Anche con il trucco scolato e i vestiti strappati, si vede che Taranto è una bellissima donna.

Traballa sfinita sui tacchi alti della sua antica storia, cercando di resistere allo stupro dei veleni e dell’incuria. E’ la città dei due mari e del sole, è poesia che soffoca sotto i fumi dell’acciaio.






2023 - “In Verticale” curated by Gesto Segno Disegno – 1° Giornata del Contemporaneo,by Amaci – video art review- Torre Dell'elefante – Cagliari, Italy


2018 - “BIBART 2018/19 - Biennale Internazionale d’Arte di Bari e Area Metropolitana” - Ariconfraternita del Carmine – Bari, Italy


2018 - ”Cinematica Festival - In viaggio” – Sala Box-Mole Vanvitelliana – Ancona, Italy


2017 - “Koiné@Campus Festival 02” - Selection by Vertov Project – Forlì, Italy 


2016 - “Flashforward #9” – Selection by Visualcontainer Italian Videoart Distributor –  [.BOX] - videoart project space, Milano, Italy


2016 - “Proyector Festival” – Italian selection by Visual Container – Madrid, Spain


2016 - “Parklive” – Selection by Visual Container – Villa Benvenuti – Formigine (MO), Italy




FINE ART PRINTS - 67,5X125 cm. - limited edition of 5 - 50X27 cm. limited edition of 10










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